What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest Before May 12 With The Moon's Energy

Aries — Warrior energy

With Mars in your sign, taking action can seem like a gift. This week begins with the Full Moon in Taurus, which will lift you out of your doldrums. Be open to adapt and establish plans that are better connected with your aims.

Taurus - Confidence

As we enter your season, with Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus in your sign, you are making breakthroughs that can lead to periods of confidence.  

Gemini — Rest  

This year has seen many changes, but now that the Sun and Moon are in Taurus, things are calmer. This offers you enough to think about as we prepare to begin your season later this month.   

Cancer — accomplishments  

You are a trailblazer, and the past year has allowed you to stand out and shine. Taking on new leadership roles and focusing more on competitiveness may have crossed your thoughts.  

Leo — Travel

who thrive on standing out and expressing their vivid personalities. The New Moon this week can feel like an optimistic transit, encouraging you to believe in your dreams.   

Virgo represents friendships  

As a mutable sign, the New Moon transit can feel like a breath of fresh air since it forms a trine with your sign. The week lets you realise the importance of your friendships and how empowered they may make you feel.  

Libra - Lighthouse  

Dreams This week's transit can feel extremely powerful, with the New Moon emphasising your strengths and shortcomings. Your power will shine through now as you pick up those parts and begin to mend.   

Scorpio - Melodies  

Taurus season brings to light past relationships and friendships, making this a time for remembering. During this New Moon, we will receive insight into how far we have gone and how transforming our connections have become.  

Sagittarius — Architect  

Saturn caused you to destroy and rebuild when it was in your sign several years ago. You are now continuing to design this new process. The New Moon assists you in creating the blueprint   

Capricorn — Flight  

You are handling this season with a high level of awareness and self-reliance. Your past might reveal a lot about your current needs, especially if you've been hesitant to express your emotions.  

Aquarius—Planting Seeds  

Your foundation takes centre stage this week, as the New Moon in Taurus prepares you to begin something new and powerful that will help you aim for the stars.   

Pisces — Restructuring  

Discipline will be required throughout this passage because you may feel tempted to spoil yourself. However, you will be rewarded for the effort you have already done.   


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