The 6 Healthiest Seeds You Can Eat, According to Science

 For millions of years, seeds have been present, acting as the basis for all plant life. However, our appreciation for their tremendous nutritional punch has only grown in recent times.  

 Chia Seeds 

 Chia seeds are nutrient-dense and tiny. A 2-tablespoon portion contains 9 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein, and a lot of minerals like iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. Chia seeds, a plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids.

 Flax seeds are often associated with bland, healthful cereals or the vegan flax "egg," but did you know they have many health benefits? Two tablespoons include 4 grams of fiber, 2.5 grams of protein . 

 Flax Seeds 

 Hemp seeds, from cannabis sativa, contain no CBD or THC. Hemp seeds provide healthful lipids with a 3:1 omega-6-to-omega-3 ratio.  

 Hemp Seeds 

 Despite being touted as a whole grain, quinoa is a seed! A 2020 meta-analysis found that quinoa lowers cardiovascular disease risk variables such triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, insulin blood levels, and waist circumference.   


 White, black, and golden brown sesame seeds are used in Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines. Vitamins B1, B3, and B6 found in sesame seeds.  

 Sesame Seeds 

 Finally, pumpkin seeds! Pumpkin seeds are healthful whether you roast them yourself or buy them at the shop. These seeds provide 8 grams of protein and 40% of the necessary magnesium in a 1-ounce meal.  

 Pumpkin Seeds 

 Zinc, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, antioxidants, and healthful polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids are also found in them.  


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