Kristen Stewart says her directorial debut features 'incest and periods' and is 'at times hard to watch'.

Kristen Stewart is pioneering filmmaking. A film version of Lidia Yuknavitch's 2011 memoir The Chronology of Water will mark the Oscar-nominated actress's directorial debut.  

The 34-year-old told PORTER for a new cover interview that the film "is about incest and periods and a woman violently repossessing her voice and body, and it is, at times, hard to watch... but it’s gonna be an f---ing thrill ride."  

"I think people would want to see that, but then... I think maybe people wanna watch films about, like, Jesus and dogs," she said.  

The book blurb says The Chronology of Water addresses "issues of gender, sexuality, violence and the family from the point of view of a lifelong swimmer turned artist."  

Her narrative explores how profound loss affects a young woman's developing sexuality, which some consider untraditional due to her attraction to both men and women.  

Her writing career takes the narrator through addiction, self-destruction, and survival, culminating in love and parenthood."  

Stewart told PORTER, "There's a lot of self-consciousness about directing because it's hard to get anything made."  

I serve other people's visions as an actress "She also contrasted being in front of and behind the camera. "You get greedy; it feels good to be called upon … even if you don’t love the thing."  


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