Canadian Favourite Cocktail: Bloody Caesar

Ingredients: 2 oz vodka, 4 oz chilled Clamato juice, 2 dashes Tabasco, 2 dashes Worcestershire sauce, 1 tsp horseradish (optional), 1 tsp celery salt, 1 lime wedge, 1 celery rib (garnish), ice cubes.  

Start with a celery salt rim on your glass after gathering the ingredients and tools. Rub a lime wedge around the glass's top and dip it into a celery salt plate. Circularly swirl the glass to coat the rim.  

Half-fill the celery salt-rimmed glass with ice.

Use a jigger or angled cup to measure vodka and Clamato. We utilise a Japanese jigger for accurate, spill-free measurements.

Directly pour vodka and Clamato into the celery salt-rimmed glass. Add Worcestershire and Tabasco dashes.

For more flavour, add a teaspoon of horseradish. We like our horseradish hot and spicy, but you decide.  

Gently stir. Be careful not to disturb celery salt rim. Celery rib garnish.

Increase the basic Bloody Caesar recipe. Your favourite hot sauce can replace Tabasco, and bacon strips, okra, olives, and pickles can be added.  


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